Managing paper documents has always been a challenge for businesses. How do you know which document is the most important? Which document needs to be at hand? Where does it need to go when it’s done? It is where document management software comes in handy. Document management solutions can help organize all your documents and make them easily searchable. If you want to boost your team’s productivity, try digitizing all paper files!

Many organizations are yet to identify the source of their productivity problems. There is information available across multiple organizations, and still, a portion of these organizations fail to assess the affected areas within their own company. Every organization faces challenges in reaching its productivity potential, and organizational structure plays a vital role. In Michael C. Mankins’ new book, it is shown that 20 percent of a company’s capacity is lost to corporate systems and processes.

Shared links documents stored on servers and employees storing their files on the desktop contribute to organizational drag. Document management systems can solve this problem by enabling departments to collaborate on one document at a time without having to worry about overages of internet connection, and you can modify using mobile devices, mobile, and desktop apps.

Document management has become more accessible through cloud-based systems. Records management, a separate but complementary aspect of document management, has become more common for companies. Cloud-based collaboration features help minimize financial risk and leverage real-time syncing to keep company information accurate. Cloud document management system ensures taking paper files, copies, and digital records and organizing them with a single click of the mouse. It’s hassle-free, safe, convenient and gives the users the freedom to stay organized and on top of the to-do list.

It allows quick and secure file sharing, smooth, sophisticated organization tools, and cloud storage to keep the physical space and computer memory free and easy to read.

These are the top seven advantages of having a cloud-based document management system:

All digital documents in an office are stored all over: on the walls, desks, filing cabinets, and bookshelves. The problem here is that every file has to be categorized by name, size, type, date of creation, etc. Organizations usually do not have a Google Drive, Microsoft one drive, data centers, Microsoft Office or Microsoft 365 system for storing documents when they are created. Cloud-based document management allows for a uniform arrangement of all your organization’s records under the correct category. Your company’s production capacity is not lost as you can access any piece of work from anywhere to complete it with ease.

Access from anywhere

Information is now stored in the cloud and accessed through document storage software. With this technology, employees can access files from anywhere at any time. 60% of companies offer employees work-from-home options, and remote access to files is necessary for any business plan. Cloud document management is essential for remote workers in multiple locations with no local servers. Cloud storage and any cloud-based service are generally used and accessed from a

computer, tablet, smartphone or business center. It is a fantastic platform to be connected while working from home or from anywhere in the world.

Disaster-proof important files

Many stories surface on the Internet about the loss of stored data due to dampness, an operating system failure, or other specific problems. With a cloud document storage system in place, you will be able to sleep soundly with the knowledge that documents and other content are backed up automatically, so there is always a spare copy available.

Virtually cloud service comes up with encryption and more excellent quality firewalls regarding protecting the information and data from any security disaster from the time one opens the service to the time of discontinuation of its use. Usually, data breaches do not occur through any cloud-based service. It generally involves users with high-level permissions using a weak password. Employees and businesses should never use dates, names, Social Security Numbers, common phrases, or words less than twelve characters long as passwords.

Any cloud-based system having security measures in place enables one to select who has access to what kind of data. Not letting anyone and everyone grant access to any sensitive documents is essential for protection. By limiting the entry, the user can swiftly narrow down where a breach has happened. It ensures that no one with unauthorized clearance has any possible way to reach out to those files.

Intuitive searching and file sharing

With so much information going on every 30 days, it leads to unending piles of documents and data. For a person to find a simple piece of detail within these piles, they must put in more effort than could be just done by simply looking through the data. A document management cloud service will help save time when searching for a file. Just fill in the file’s name, tags, or content, and it can find every file uploaded that matches your criteria, even if you’re not sure what appears on the documents. The permit-based document sharing allows for interdepartmental collaboration tools without breaching any security norms.

Tagging and notifications

Employees are assigned to work on specific electronic files, and they communicate with each other by email. The tagging feature enables all team members to be notified of the latest changes to documents in one click. By tagging all employees with tasks, the user will know who to find questions. Context is added by providing a note about the document to understand it better. Create a digital folder for storing and retrieving these documents for future use. Tagging also enables users to limit access and restrict the resources that may hold some personally identifiable information. Tracking the resources also simplifies the work to mark violations in security policies. Tags also assist administrators in identifying resources for the latest and upgraded versions. It provides them the feature to schedule backups for particular resources by looking at tagged data. With tagging, users can get a brief idea of resources that require a need of automation. It includes automatic startup or shutdown situations depending on demand.

Streamline document lifecycle management

Every document goes through a unique lifecycle, ranging from days to years. It may be edited or archived during this process as it passes through the different stages of its life cycle. Workflow processes for most organizations are such that every employee in the company touches a document at some point. Document management systems help ensure these processes are followed without hassles and handle a single database to manage job management and retrieve files more efficiently.

Preview with a click

Your inbox is inundated with email attachments, but don’t worry: you can now preview documents which means you can view them without downloading. The best part? You save time because this feature moves with the approval process. The preview feature allows the user to view a file without opening or converting it to a standard Google office format, GDOC, Google SHEET. Many documents are reviewed. Therefore, users benefit from using Google Drive’s new “Preview” feature to quickly look at a record or an entire folder.

Another benefit of using cloud servers is integrating with various office online services, such as CRM or Slack, that provide automatic data exchange. Users can use these servers with Microsoft, Windows Mac, Linux operating systems.


Cloud-based document management systems are different depending on the size of your business. Large enterprises may handle a configuration that differs from smaller-scale companies. Software providers have different opinions about when they can launch a project. Before you sign a contract with your provider, make sure to check the timeline between signing the agreement and going live on their system.

One of the biggest problems of getting results is repeatedly coming of clients and buyers. Through Cloud storage, clients and customers can receive their deals and contracts, bids, papers, contact lists, etc., in a digital format from anywhere with an Internet connection. Customers can also review essential files from anywhere globally, lessening the time they have to spend. As more and more aspects of business are moving towards Cloud Management, companies and employees now understand the convenience of cloud-based document management, making remote work easy and secure.

When deciding on a Cloud document management system, you can opt for different types of 2GB of storage space and factor authentication, file syncing, including customized private clouds that are suitable for midsize and small businesses. A private cloud backup service demands an IT professional on staff, while third-party hosts and maintains the public cloud. Personal cloud storage solutions are accessible with a variety of features. File storage automated workflows can be easily tracked and managed with definitive versions because all files and folders are accessible for editing. All options for document management will help with productivity by axing “organizational drag.”


Cloud-based document management systems are available for both public and private setups. Contact us for free trials or free plans and more information about offering unlimited paid plans.

It removes the frustration of companies for quick sharing to upgrade processes to get the job done fast with higher quality results. With cloud-based electronic sharing capabilities and a paperless filing system, users can cut piles of paper and save business time and money. This software can bring your office to the digital era with features such as Optical Character Recognition, electronic sharing, and cloud-based file storage.

After considering these options, you can choose the one which best suits your organization’s specifications.

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Smart Document Management System