Non-profit organizations are responsible for a lot of paperwork. They have to manage piles of volunteer applications, donor records, tax invoices and other documents. These tasks can be time consuming and expensive for nonprofit organizations.

Thankfully there is now document management systems that helps nonprofit organizations stay organized and reduce costs.

But how does DMS help nonprofit organizations?

The following ways DMS is helpful for nonprofits:

Big savings

Non-profits often suffer from limited resources and tight financial constraints., and we all realize that paper is expensive.

Paperless systems are often considered a sound financial decision given the initial purchase price, but there are additional costs to consider such as printers and file cabinets that can quickly add up.

Cloud-based document management systems (DMS) has many benefits for nonprofit organizations, and one of the biggest ones is its ability to free up space and save money. DMS software not only manages your records but also automatically indexes them so you don’t have to spend time trying to file or search for documents. Moreover, Keywords can help you find the documents you need.


DMS not only manages your documents, but it also helps with repetitive tasks.

These systems allow you to configure a report or invoice to be distributed automatically when it is generated.

With the use of a document management system, reminders can also be set up so managers are reminded to approve purchase orders or invoices if they haven’t done yet.

Compliance Stays Streamlined

The stability and compliance features of document management software make it appropriate for the needs of a non-profit organization. Non-profits must meet retention and return policies outlined in federal and state law. They must manage paperwork related to financial transactions, donations, and volunteer applications among other documents.

Organizations that fail to manage records will likely be subject to lawsuits, lose the trust of stakeholders, or have their tax-exempt status revoked.

An invaluable option that most DMS’s provide is the ability to view who accessed and modified specific files. When a representative of your government donor requests an audit, with just a few clicks on the computer keyboard, you can easily deliver not only a report detailing financial records but one outlining changes made to individual documents as well.

What’s more?

Multilayered security

One of the best features a document management system includes is the ability to filter what type of folders, documents, and reports can be accessed by various groups or individuals in the organization. For example, you could create a folder on your desktop that’s only accessible for managers.

Cloud-based DMS software also provides security. Servers work with robust prevention systems, antivirus software, firewalls, encryption tools, and data backup programs that protect the information while in storage segments.

Staying organized and reducing costs are essential to any nonprofit organization’s success.

Cloud-based document management systems (DMS) are monitored by a team of certified security experts who will eliminate potential threats, fix security bugs, and minimize downtime.

Remote access

Finally, cloud-based DMS software provides new remote access features that will work without regard for your company’s location.

The system is incredibly easy to use, and they’ll be able to access your documents from any location as long as the user has a secure device and stable internet connection.

Interested in hearing about exact ways cloud-based document management systems affect organizations? Contact Docupile today!

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Smart Document Management System