As the document management industry continues to evolve, so does the need for data security. In a world where hackers and malicious software are prevalent, document management is more important than ever before. The document challenges in business organizations account for over 20% productivity loss – that’s nearly one-fifth of an organization’s production capabilities! This and many other statistical findings demonstrate just how significant document security pitfalls can be when it comes to data breaches. To help combat this growing problem, we’ve compiled seven basic document security pitfalls that specialists tend to forget about:
Security specialists often forget that mistakes made with data are a recipe for disaster.
Data security has become more of an issue in the last ten years with increased hacker attacks and malicious software. The danger is even greater if you also have document management to think about.
In the report, the challenges that document management poses to organizations’ productivity accounts for over 20% loss. This and other statistics can be seen as demonstrating a company’s risk of data breaches. However, they also demonstrate that attention must be paid to documenting procedures in incident response planning.
In recent years, network security specialists have started to focus so much attention on advanced digital threats and cyber-attacks, they forget some of the most basic data management problems.
One of the objectives of this guide is to help you understand these threats. This article includes seven security snags that specialists often forget to take into account, so be sure to keep reading!
Filing Offices Unlocked
The first rule for protecting important data is to keep physical documents locked away and well-protected from unauthorized people. Most people don’t think this makes a difference, but you would be surprised how many companies are unable to locate physical papers or classified documents that may put the average performance of their company at risk.
How can you make your business secure from data breaches?
A solution is as simple as keeping filing premises locked around the clock. In this instance, you cannot let random visitors or even your own employees enter the filing cabinet at will. Rather, it’s necessary to ensure maximum protection by locking files.
Without Discretion, Print documents
Let’s say that you have an open printer with ready access to the team. You want to be sure to take care of a potential safety and security issue, but also make sure users are able to print as desired.
Therefore, it is easy for outsiders to find leftover documents and data that they can use to attack other companies.
Installing a document management system (DMS) would allow you to print individual documents off using any device. With this, your risk of security breaches will be much lower because it will provide a complete record of the printing activities and systems that led up to that point in time.
Do not Grant Access to All.
A lot of organizations fail to secure their data because security specialists overlook granting permissions on sensitive files.
You probably wouldn’t think about the connection between business documents and data breaches, but one in five employees regularly use these. That translates into a potential breach that needs to be prevented for any organization’s sake.
One of the best protections you can take to protect your information is limiting access. This means creating a line and only letting certain people cross it for both digital and physical files alike.
For instance, you may not need a website administrator for every page on your site instead of bringing in one or two controllers that can manage the content and perform better.
Make A Habit of Having Backups Regularly
Your company stores a large amount of online data that could take down the whole business if you don’t back it up periodically.
The backup is designed to keep a copy of the data in case of disaster.
There are several ways that sensitive data can be lost.
- Sensitive data may be lost due to system failures or other factors.
- A potential hacker attack or malicious software
- Database failures
- Data deletion errors due to human error
Properly performing backups can keep your information safe and contain the damage if a data breach were to occur.
Not Creating Strong Passwords and Not Updating Them
Many security specialists forget the importance of data protection, which can lead to costly data breaches.
Roughly fifty percent of professionals have used the same password for five years or longer.
What can you do about it? The solution
To start, you need to plan a safe environment for updates from your employees. Their computers must be updatable, and they should care for them on a regular basis.
A company’s and individual’s security is compromised when passwords are not properly protected.
If your employees use “123456” or “qwerty,” stop this instant. These are the most common weak passwords in the world, and any hacker will be able to break them.
Never Rely on Systems Which are Insecure
The Internet is flooded with Cloud based document management offers, some lower than others. As a matter of fact, there are two important considerations that need to be made when choosing a security program: the downside of placing your physical documents in the cloud and how experienced you want the company to be.
A large number of data breaches are inconsequential due to the high level of protection that companies provide.
Not Hiring a Security Specialist?
Document management is important for any company but becomes crucial when dealing with a vast amount of information.
Maintaining data security is essential to a user’s business. Users should hire qualified security specialists and pay for their services.
Investing in document archival can decrease malicious software, and ultimately data breaches.
Data security is a sensitive business issue that extends beyond the cyber domain and encompasses physical security, too. It is an obvious truth that many specialists forget – which often leads to unpleasant data breaches.