Document management techniques have primarily gone digital over the last decade. Document Management Systems have evolved, and organizations are now looking at the most acceptable methods to utilize their Document Management Systems to improve overall efficiency fully. Several significant Document Management Systems trends 2022 have emerged due to this attention.

This post will look at the developments your company should be aware of next year. Continue reading to discover more.

Significance on Sustainability

New document management trends 2022 are emerging as the business world looks for ever more efficient ways to operate. One of the main things is to move towards sustainability. As businesses become more aware of their environmental impact, they are increasingly focused on practices that will help reduce wastage and conserve resources. Therefore, many companies are now looking for document management solutions that will enable them to operate more sustainably. It might involve using recycled paper or investing in digital storage solutions that eliminate the need for physical documents. Whatever the approach, sustainability is emerging as a critical consideration in document management.

Reduce print: The transition to an electronic document management system significantly reduces the amount of paper you print. All of your records and communications are now digital, so there’s no more need for hard copies. This technique can aid a company in keeping unnecessary papers and waste from accumulating.

Reduce waste: Your company stops wasting paper, uses less ink and power to operate printers, and saves money on printing costs by eliminating paper. An electronic document management system may assist organizations in reducing their ecological contributions.

Better Document Tracking: Lost paperwork frequently needs to be located or reprinted without using an electronic document management system. Your company may benefit from document tracking with a document management method, allowing workers always to know where the paper is, so they don’t have to waste it.

Scalable data storage: Your organization’s document management system should be cloud-based, allowing your company to develop and deepen program implementation as additional departments discover use cases. The technologies that support remote collaboration, data organization, and security are expanding to keep up with the growing demand for remote collaboration, data management, and security.

Maintaining Business Continuity with Remote Work

Maintaining business flow is more critical than ever, as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to adopt remote work models. To maintain business continuity in a remote work environment, thus it is essential to have a robust document management system in place. Here are some of the newest trends 2022 in document management:

– Maintaining version control: When multiple people are working on the same document, it is essential to maintain version control. Each person should have a document copy, and changes should be tracked. This way, if someone makes a mistake, it can be easily undone.

– Using cloud-based solutions: Cloud-based document management solutions offer several advantages, including increased security and scalability. They also make it easy for team members to collaborate on documents, as they can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

– Automating processes: Automating tasks such as document approval can help to improve efficiency and reduce errors. By setting up an approval workflow, businesses can ensure that documents are only approved when they meet the necessary criteria.

– Mobile apps: Mobile apps make it easy to view and edit documents on the go. They’re perfect for businesses that need to manage documents while away from the office.

FDA’s Technology Modernization Action Plan (TMAP)

The FDA’s Technology Modernization Action Plan focuses on modernizing the agency’s systems to regulate products. One action plan goal is to reduce FDA’s reliance on paper records. FDA is working on implementing new document management processes and technologies that will allow the agency to transition to an entirely electronic system. The profit of such a system is numerous, including improved efficiency and accuracy and reduced costs. FDA is currently piloting several new document management solutions and plans to roll out these solutions agency-wide shortly. As FDA moves forward with its modernization efforts, other businesses would do well to keep an eye on these trends 2022 to stay on the curve.

Those working in sectors that the FDA heavily regulates should expect an increase in inquiries, audits, observations, and possible warning letters once TMAP goes into effect. Before these adjustments occur, be proactive by conducting quality checks and running internal reviews.

Moving Document Management Processes to the Cloud

Over the last several years, cloud computing effects on data management systems has revolutionized the sector, and the business case for cloud-based apps is expected to improve.

There are several motives behind businesses adopting cloud software. Here are a few of them:

Collaboration: With cloud computing, you don’t need to be on a specific computer or have access to a regional network to access your data or communicate with your coworkers; all you require is an internet connection. The cloud guarantees that files are always available and may be viewed from any location at any time.

Flexibility and Scalability: In the cloud, you no longer have to worry about the physical size of your server environment. It means you may start small and grow your business gradually without interruption in your business process or unplanned changes.

Reduced Costs: It’s complicated and time-consuming to set up and run a data center. These tasks are transferred to your cloud provider once you convert to managed cloud computing. Your company can use the cloud to pay for resource usage while taking advantage of scale and reliability, which most businesses cannot afford on their own. All software upgrades are automatically installed on your device, saving you the trouble of performing them yourself.

Increased Cyber security

With the increase in cyber attacks and data breaches, document management companies have been more concerned about cyber security in recent years. Many businesses are now storing their documents electronically, making them vulnerable to hacking and cybercrime. As a result, many document management companies are now offering increased levels of security for their clients, including encryption and password protection. In addition, many companies are now offering cloud-based storage services, which can provide an extra layer of security for sensitive documents.

File Upload Handling: Look for capabilities that allow companies to limit the ability to approve or reject specific file extensions and check the file header to see if it matches the extension of all uploaded files on a granular level.

Enhanced Multi-Factor Authentication Options: To combat these issues, account recovery options may include a Google Authenticator and the ability to change MFA token expiration according to corporate policy.

These trends 2022 provide us with valuable information for document management. Businesses continue to move away from manual and digital systems to take advantage of ever-changing industry conditions. Document management systems will grow in popularity to make business processes easier for professionals across every sector, emphasizing sustainability, business continuity, the FDA’s TMAP impact, cloud growth, and more cyber security measures.


At Docupile, we have considerable experience with a wide range of on-premises and cloud-based document management systems. We collaborate with clients to discover essential requirements and develop solutions that are suited to their remote locations. Consider adopting a Docupile software document management system if your company still uses a paper-based document management system. You may contact us for a demo or more information about our Docupile Document Management Software.

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