Poorly documented processes can make digital workflows difficult to design and implement. Automating a process with paper-based processes is possible, but it requires extra steps such as scanning documents and digitizing them in order to be leveraged for automation purposes. At the end of the day, creating an automated workflow will take more time and effort than designing one from scratch. Automation might not be worth your time if you’re dealing with poorly documented paper-based processes!

How to Create an Effective Digital Workflow in Three Easy Steps

1. Bring together stakeholders to debate the process: It’s critical to talk with important users and stakeholders rather than merely the C-level management in order to construct effective, paperless procedures. What you frequently discover is that C-level executives and managers believe the company follows a certain procedure, but in reality, that isn’t the case.

2. Mapping out your digital workflows should include mirroring existing procedures: When you plan to convert existing operations to a digital environment, keep process changes to a minimum. Docupile’s free Process Planner will assist you in visualizing your manual procedures. Make your changes, then have everyone involved in the process review them. Another consideration: when you optimize and digitize a process, make sure you document the modifications. In this scenario, you may determine whether difficulties in testing are the result of the new platform or the new procedure.

3. When you’ve managed to establish and test a digital document management system, you might notice new possibilities to improve your processes: After the first testing phase, assess your processes and look for ways to eliminate needless actions and improve them. After you’ve completed the installation, talk to your users. They could have ideas for improving the system’s operation after a few months of usage.

Why make the transition to a paperless workplace?

You may adapt the user experience to match your needs by converting files to a digital environment through a document management system. These customizations usually include email Notifications and Reminders, as well as external data integration services.

Digital workflows are not restricted to one sector. While some document management systems are created with law firms or healthcare organizations in mind, there’s no need to use a specialized system. The components of document-based digital workflows in manufacturing, healthcare, or finance are all similar; however, they may be arranged differently to satisfy the needs of a process.

Take the first step and evaluate your existing paper-based procedures to see whether you’re ready to take advantage of digital workflows with a document management system.

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