Document management systems are essential tools to help a CPA firm run more smoothly. DMS will simplify your paper-based processes and eliminate the need to shuffle files around to find what you’re looking for constantly. DMS is also an excellent tool for scanning business documents into electronic format, so you won’t have to worry about running out of space in your filing cabinets or spending hours organizing and sorting through piles of paperwork! Choosing to go paperless office will improve the efficiency of your company.

Businesses and customers can reduce paper dependency, eventually making documentation, transactions and records quickly available for online access. It ensures companies automatically create an electronic audit trail that can keep the data and documents accurate and comply with industry needs. Document workflows are set up and incorporated into routine processes, making daily procedures more straightforward for accountants.

However, one essential point is that a document storage system doesn’t mean workflow is foolproof. Relying on the dynamics of the client and the document processing routine, the needs and requirements can shift and change regularly.

If you have any doubts about going paperless, here are the top 5 reasons you should be going paperless:

1. Improves relationship with your vendors and clients-

solutions will allow CPAs and administrators to concentrate on more important aspects of accounting, such as taxation, rather than filing papers. Ensuring an easy file retrieval system during audit trails time will also help attract new vendors, satisfy customers, and save time. With a short turnaround time, you can afford to put your employees’ expertise on display by responding to customer requests and making vendor payments.

Clients want to reduce the use of paper documents and paperwork. They like having instant, anytime access to tax returns and financial statements from any location. Once they see how fast and easy it is to view and print their returns, they will never ask for another paper filing system again. If you have already filed your client’s tax returns digitally, you are ready for the next step and eliminate the client’s paper copy. By substituting the printed return with a PDF file, it is accessible online whenever they need it.

2. Provides accountants with a higher level of security-

A digital document management system is invaluable to any small business, especially one with a high volume of paperwork, which is the main feature. Using CDM (Cloud-based Digital Document Management System) ensures files are safe and digital copies can be used if your originals get lost or destroyed during travel. CDMS offers constant monitoring for file access, annotations, revisions.

Going digital simplifies paper file shuffling and filing. You’ll never lose an important file because all of your files are backed up.

3. Maintains regulatory compliance with accounting standards-

A document management system helps to convert financial paper into a digital form, which can help control information access and stop the potential leaking of sensitive types of documents.

With an automated workflow DMS system in place, you will always know who touched it, when they touched it, and where the file-sharing is stored. Security in an organization can be increased by managing compliance in the company.

A DMS system allows accounting firms to stay in compliance by providing encrypted file access and a highly secure storage environment. It also ensures transaction audit trails with a filing system and email notifications.

4. Eradicates human error-

It is challenging to control excessive amounts of paper in the office. The paper storage system causes clutter, which means that mistakes are unavoidable with an increased risk of losing or destroying essential storing documents. Using a document management system will reduce those errors to zero.

As an accounting firm, you may be missing some discounts with vendors due to a dated manage document storage process.

A sound DMS system can control who sees what with precision organizational controls. The user can share a document with a specific user, all members of the firm, or publicly for all users. It also provides the feature to organize folders into unlimited sub-folders.

5. Easily integration-

A Document Management System (DMS) is used to customize the accounting system to make it easier for different employees to find what they are looking for and process-specific tasks. A well-integrated DMS benefits your company’s workflow while improving productivity as well.

A practical document management system for a financial and accounting firm will increase output, generate higher revenue, better cash flow control, accurate reporting and improve customer service.


Implementing a Document Storage System can do marvels in the productivity of accounting firms. However, the system must be flexible enough to cope with day-to-day activities and routine changes. If an accounting firm has a plan already set up, it has to ensure that it has a tool for every step in the process. Orienting the workflow and making adjustments as required are also vital.

Docupile is more than familiar with the data security needs of account keeping. It is essential to set up ethical walls preventing staff and contractors from seeing documents they are prohibited from seeing. It allows administrators to restrict access to clients’ settings and records, importantly, making sure that users are invisible to unauthorized users—no time to manually set up clients one-by-one. No problem. Get a free trial today and surprise your clients with easy, quick access to the information and impress them, making your days happier and less stressful.

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Smart Document Management System