As the importance and capability of Enterprise Solutions continue to grow, debate on whether Document Management Systems should be considered a part of Digital Workplace or not is on the rise. Many experts state that Enterprise Content Management Systems have taken the place of Document management systems. Though some still believe DMS can be placed in Digital Workplace.

International organizations have reported that enterprises are struggling with the decision of if they should use Document Management systems or Enterprise collaborative content management Systems.

Enterprise Content Management & Document Management Systems

Enterprise Content Management cannot be considered alone; it is a customized system comprised of strategies, work flows and methodologies to meet the diverse requirements of an enterprise.

ECM enables searching in both structured and unstructured data within a document. Trying to define ECM with one term is impossible – it’s a broad field of technology.

However, a Document Management System is more focused on handling documents within an enterprise. DMS is a software solution to scan, store, manage, share and track digital documents such as PDF files. Generally, the document has to be converted into unsearchable formats before it can be stored in this system.

While enterprise solutions have been around since the 1990s, many enterprises are uncertain about whether they need such a system. Around 39% of organizations in research report needing to upgrade their capabilities and some need to be completely replaced.

Cloud-based document management systems provide a convenient, high-capacity solution for enterprises that lack in-house storage space.

The research concluded that with the increasing importance of management solutions, ECM and DMS will need to stay up-to-date.

Criteria required by a Modern Enterprise Solution:

  • Mobility: As employees value the mobility offered by ‘work-on-the-go’ culture, their expectations for timely and quick productivity solutions are increasingly high. In order to meet these needs, document management systems should be incorporated into a company’s digital workplace as a reliable source of information in developing products.
  • Smarter and based on Search Pattern: A Digital App is reliable and offers users intuitive tools. It provides suggestions for tasks based on user search pattern, finds ways to be more intuitive, and queries real-time data relevant to tasks at the right time.
  • Pooled and Secure: In a collaborative culture, cross-collaboration is crucial. However, enterprises are still struggling with the use of Document Management Systems and share difficulty in sharing documents securely..

Organizations should account for these factors when deciding on using enterprise solutions.

Nuance – DMS with Speech Recognition

Nuance offers enterprise software that features speech recognition technology from Dragon Speech Recognition Solutions. With Dragon’s fast, reliable text-to-speech service, you can edit and send documents more efficiently with less typing. And workplace packages like Nuance professional editions almost eliminate the need for a keyboard.

With Dragon’s professional-grade dictation solution, a user can dictate and edit documents from anywhere, anytime. Speech recognition helps to increase efficiency while personal preferences reduces time.

Need – A Complete Document Management System

With a business-centric approach, it is paramount for enterprise solutions to support complex document generation and management. Digitization is not simply opening an electronic version of the PDF document; but more importantly, there are many functions that need to be satisfied.

Document management software should offer professional business collaboration by ensuring that processes are clear and every team member has access to important documents. It is imperative that important business documents are edited by multiple individuals in the company, shared internally and negotiated with a customer. The same document is then given back to that customer or partner who signs it.

Document management systems are fundamental to digitized documents. While many organizations believe ECMS have replaced web based dms, many international companies claim for enterprises to use DMS in a Digital Workplace as well.

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Smart Document Management System